
Trello kanban
Trello kanban

Perhaps you have a card that has multiple check list items and perhaps there's a checklist that requires the attention of another member of your team. On hold, well if we haven't done it yet or it's on the to do list would it go here or, you know what? I think on hold actually makes the most sense 'cause you've already started doing it, but something specific has stopped it from going from doing to done, therefore it's on hold. So where does it make the most sense to have on deck? Well, most likely you're going to want that before doing.

trello kanban

Well this doesn't make a whole lot of sense. So if we're going to do task number one, we have it in our to do list. This is a little bit more GTD and less Kanban, but I want to have a place to process my ideas, so I want to have an inbox, so naturally from here, if we're talking about Kanban, we want our information to flow from the left to the right, so if you're a football fan, you're going from one end zone to the other end zone. One example is I prefer to have an inbox.

trello kanban

Those additional lists would be on deck, on hold, and from here if there are other things that make sense for your workflow you would add those. However, I'm going to go a little bit more in depth into some of my preferences for creating a basic Kanban Board, so I'm going to reset these, and I'm going to show you a few additional lists that I find incredibly helpful. I am now doing task one and task one is now complete, and so on and so on and so forth and so forth. If we wanted to create tasks, so if we were to create task one, task two, task three, task four, and task five, it really is as simple as saying I'm going to do task one. If you've gone through earlier portions of this course, none of this is probably a surprise. We're going to go ahead and close this and go to a brand new, fresh Kanban Board and we begin with the most basic three lists. Let me show you how quickly and easily you can set up a basic Kanban Board with Trello. Originally devised by Toyota as a way to streamline production using the lean production method, it has since been drastically simplified. The reason this specific system is so successful is because it will limit your work in progress and it will improve the overall flow of your tasks.

trello kanban

For a super brief overview, Kanban is a visual system of mapping your tasks based on a visual workflow that goes from left to right. Of all the productivity methods and systems available today, Trello was made for Kanban. As you can see, there are a multitude of resources on LinkedIn Learning, so you can learn this method in depth, which obviously I can't do in this lesson. In this lesson, I would like to demonstrate very briefly how you can create a simple Kanban Board using Trello.

Trello kanban